Articles tagged with Game Tech

Build faster, run smarter, and grow your games more quickly

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25 results
published 2 days ago0 votes37 views
Amazon GameLift launches Queue Location Override, a new feature to allow dynamically updating game session placement location for every game session placement request, overriding the static location o...
published 15 days ago0 votes164 views
Amazon GameLift introduces the TerminateGameSession API to effortlessly resolve stuck game sessions, in order to boost game development efficiency and optimize resource utilization.
published a month ago0 votes66 views
Amazon GameLift adds support to deploy and host game servers running on managed container fleets from the Unity and Unreal Engine plugins, and adds support for Unreal Engine V5.4 and V5.5 to the Unrea...
profile pictureAWS
published 2 months ago0 votes196 views
Container support on Amazon GameLift, purpose-built for seamless global game server hosting.
The intention of this documentation is to provide the building blocks to create critical CloudWatch alarms which are fit for onboarding to Incident Detection and Response. It contains specific alarm b...
published 3 months ago0 votes164 views
Amazon GameLift publishes a sample script to help with updating game server builds that are deployed on Amazon GameLift managed EC2 fleets in production.
published 4 months ago0 votes129 views
Amazon GameLift launches improvements to the C++ Server SDK websocket connection stability and adds logging capabilities for game servers developed on Unreal Engine.
profile pictureAWS
published 4 months ago0 votes148 views
Amazon GameLift launches revamped fleet creation to improve transparency and accuracy during fleet creation.
published 5 months ago0 votes166 views
Amazon GameLift launches a docker based solution to generate C++ Server SDK binary and SSL libraries for the Amazon GameLift Unreal plugin for game servers using Unreal Engine 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 that r...
published 5 months ago0 votes569 views
Amazon GameLift launches a fast game server update tool for development fleets
published 5 months ago0 votes828 views
Amazon GameLift launches updates to the console experience to now automatically apply your display preferences for tables, saved to your AWS user account, as well as fleet creation workflow to make it...
profile pictureAWS
published 6 months ago0 votes1.4K views
Launch of Nigeria Local Zone for Amazon GameLift