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Articles tagged with AWS Trusted Advisor
AWS Trusted Advisors provides recommendations that help you follow AWS best practices.
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7 results
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 5 months ago2 votes1.8K views
This article provides approaches that can help you with your journey to operational excellence and faster troubleshooting.
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 5 months ago3 votes1.8K views
This article provides in-depth guidance and best practices to help retail and CPG companies use AWS services to successfully navigate their peak seasons and high-profile sales events.
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 5 months ago1 votes907 views
This article guides you on practical cost optimization strategies for maximizing your Return on Investment (ROI) with Amazon QuickSight.
published 6 months ago0 votes1.9K views
Do you know Member/Linked Accounts in the Organization can now access Trusted Advisor Priority recommendations?
published 8 months ago0 votes2.9K views
Are you looking for ways to exclude few of your non-critical resources from AWS Trusted Advisor (TA) report? Check out the new TA API to programmatically exclude resources!
published 8 months ago0 votes5.3K views
Start using the new Trusted Advisor API to optimize your AWS resources. Trusted Advisor (TA) inspects your AWS environment, and then makes recommendations when opportunities exist to save money, impro...
published 2 years ago3 votes3.7K views
Detect, proactively alert your security teams, and automatically remove exposed IAM Access Keys with the updated Trusted Advisor Exposed Keys Event Monitor.