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Questions tagged with Database
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1707 results
Hi, our RDS Aurora instances are not shrinking deleted tables with the command DROP TABLE even if our engine (5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.6) support the Aurora automatic storage scaling feature. The parame...
Hey there,
I've tried multiple times to create a cross region read replica for my MySQL RDS cluster. It was working previously until I populated my source db with data.
It "creates" successfully and...
I need to set up a replication task on DMS. My source DB is on-premise (Postgres 17.2), and the target DB is on AWS (Also Postgres 17.2).
I tested the two endpoints using a replication instanc...
I want (as an MySQL RDS admin) to grant a monitoring tool user read only access to DB metadata through information_schema, but when I run:
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.* TO monitor_user;
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Hello Everyone , Recently i worked on with AWS RDS Services, which I Created a MY SQL in free tier and turned to p...
Can AWS Lake Formation be integrated with Amazon Redshift? If yes, what are the steps to securely set up this integration and ensure proper data access control? I'm particularly interested in best pra...
i have my local database with name database_erp_local, but i can't connect it with my node project or i can't connect it with MYSQL owrkbench, i have also added inbound rules(public) in security grou...
Hello, we are trying to restore an RDS using the "restore to point in time" functionality. This gives us a form where we can choose the settings for the new RDS. However, some of the settings that are...
As I am trying to upgrading mysql 5.7 to mysql 8.0.32. I am experiencing this kind of error, don't know how to resolve it. Kindly guide me through this to resolve.
"id": "routinesSynt...
We are currently using PostgreSQL with deployments in 2 distant regions, ensuring strong consistency in our system. As we plan to migrate to AWS Cloud, we are exploring Aurora as a potential solution....
Inside S3 event integration, have created one AUTO COPY JOB which detects new file upload in S3 bucket and loads data into Amazon Redshift.
source: S3 bucket
Destination: Redshift cluster
Its observ...
We’ve allocated 20 GB of storage to our RDS instance, and the database size is approximately 6-7 GB. However, the monitoring dashboard is showing a low available storage warning, indicating that the D...