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Questions tagged with Amazon Q Developer
The most capable generative AI–powered assistant for software development.
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47 results
I have a root user and and an IAM User with admin rights. This IAM user has an IAM IDC Instance. Under this IAM IDC user instance, I created a user and added Q pro subscription.
I logged into Amazon Q...
I'm running aws identity center where we have created users and have setup that users are assigned to a q developer group will be allowed to use Amazon Q developer Pro (and get a license for it).
I am recieving this error after the sso flow using AUTH0 on amazon Q business web experience

here is the porlicy...
Does anyone know what the Q Developer Pro limits are? The website doesn't list any for general interactions.
I've been using it pretty heavily this month once I figured out how useful it could actua...
I tried to set up Amazon Q Developer Pro Subscription for my personal use, but I am stuck. I have configured the IAM Identity center in ap-south-1 (Mumbai) region. I have created users and groups in ...
Hello, I have few PDF files in a folder which deal with software system design documents. I want to generate a comprehenwsive summary of the documents with Q Developer Pro. OPened the folder as a wo...
We are working with a monorepo that includes three components: a JavaScript client (located in the client folder), a Spring Boot application (in the server folder), and Docker configuration files (in ...
How to contribute in issues faced by people while learning for Certifications? I also have experience in AWS
How to earn through AWS while still learning for certifications?
Hi, I've just installed Q for dev pro on VS Code Mac OS. I want to test the Workspace beta function. I have a Workspace that contains several .cs, .config, etc. files. When I ask Q questions, it alway...
It is showing, "You do not have sufficient permission on your user to administer CodeWhisperer. Ask your account administrator to provide you with the required codewhisperer:ListProfiles permission to...
This past week, Q has all of a sudden kept erroring out when using the chat in VSCode. I keep getting the same error, and I've tried re authenticating, signing in/out, restarting VSCode, restarting my...