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Questions tagged with AWS Marketplace - Seller
Seller Facing Operations for AWS Marketplace
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92 results
Is there a way to upload my AMI to Assets (that first goes through security scan) using AWS CLI/SDK? or is there an alternative to manually upload the AMI. I want to automate this step in my CI/CD pip...
I am trying to finish the KYC for my company (Italian company) but I am stuck at the Statute Document. All the document that I have uploaded so fat (certificato camerale that is the italian com...
Hello AWS Marketplace Support,
We are developing a SaaS application that is going to be listed on AWS Marketplace. Currently we are facing with the integration of "Onboarding customers to your SaaS p...
hello im owner of company product is on marketplace listing product is visible since 1 december but my insights marketing data in not avalible..policy is created and policy is assing as role...b...
I am new to AWS Marketplace. I created my first product listing. The UI asks me to select an architecture (X64 vs. ARM) and then specify an AMI. There was no way I could specify different AMIs for dif...
Have a SaaS marketplace product. Looking at the metering requirement, especially in the edge case where the customer cancels.
Looking at this page:
One of an ISV seller is working on to publish some of their products and professional service to AWS Marketplace on priority. Two questions came up during the dicussion, request urgent clarification
The Seller Data Feeds contains the following tables only:
Account data feed,
Address data feed,
Agreements data feed,
Billing event data feed,
Legacy mapping data feed,
Offer data feed,
Offer pr...
I need assistance with seller delivery data feed service.
1. When I add a version to my existing product in AWS Marketplace, is a new Product ID generated for the new version?
2. If I am using Data ...
Hi re:Post folks!
I'm working on a software product that is a combination of two parts: first, a dashboard and core backend that should be hosted on my AWS account (like a regular SaaS product); secon...
To obtain the offer and product mappings for the products published from my seller account, I am using the Offer Product data feed. The documentation in the Seller Guide for Offer Product Data Feed sa...
If a customer breaches the terms of a license agreement is it possible to revoke their entitlement and cancel their subscription as a seller?
This is a SaaS product private offer with no product inte...