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Questions tagged with Amazon Connect
easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service at a lower cost
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965 results
We have implemented SetAgentStatusOnSessionEnd feature in CTI adapter and due to this agents are automatically set to Available status when they log back in.
We would like to change this default stat...
Is there an easy way to make webforms that converts to an email in to Connect, or maybe a Connect Case?
We noted that a call of ours said "This call is no longer being recorded" while an agent transferred the call to another agent. I checked on our flows and we don't have any prompts that could say...
With respect to the subjected Question title, Need a fix for it.
Can we explore a call back option for customer to the same Agent ?
Basically this feature Amazon uses for Employee transportation...
I'm doing some testing with Amazon connect and i have a single agent a part of a sales queue. When I call I am able to get everything working but when i test a scenario where an agent rejects a call a...
I can't find any documentaion as how to configure SAML with new version of Amazon Connect ?
Also While creating the SAML2.0 instance of Connect, I cant see any options of putting IDP data .
I am usin...
I am currently working on integrating a third-party application with Amazon Connect and have a requirement to send custom messages to customers in the chat channel from the agent side. While I am awar...
I have been looking on the portal and through the documentation but have yet to find a satisfying implementation for a robust DNC list within AWS Connect. I have seen that there is an option when usi...
Hi, I've created several quick connections, but I can't get them to appear in the agent panel, how can I do that?
If we have Amazon Connect setup to provide customer support, can we reuse it to enable two agents to chat with each other (e.g. agent consulting another agent to resolve a task)? I know there's agent ...
We have two online stores and each one has a phone number. We want our flow to send the customer to the queue and when the call comes in to an agent, the agent can know which store the customer has ca...
I am using the @aws-sdk/client-connect SDK with Node.js version v22.12.0 to fetch agent metric data from AWS Connect. In my program, I am using the SearchContactsCommand method to retrieve contact dat...