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Questions tagged with .NET on AWS
Build, deploy, and develop .NET applications on AWS
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444 results
I have a table of documents and i am trying to query them and get any documents that contain a nested object (NestedObjPropA in this example) that matches a specific string. Im really struggling to do...
I require the ability to pull, create and delete access keys for a specific user in C#.
I have found
I have simple request C# for SearchIndexAsync aws SDK. First time receive response with 'nextToken' field for request other page. I use nextToken value, but receive 'Invalid nextToken'
I perform same...
I need a way to pull all accounts that my user has access to.
Looking at
It ...
I just created an account on Amazon AWS to be able to send SMS to people that opt-in on my PERSONAL WEBSITE. I am no longer in the Sandbox, I am in Production now.
** I am not allowed to writ...
The 'createUploadDestinationForResource' operation of the SP API keeps returning 'Unauthorized', but calling other interfaces can execute normally
Here is an example:
I installed the CloudFormation module with:
`install-awsToolsModule -Name AWS.Tools.CloudFormation`
It installed. Then, I tried to run a command:
`$Stack = Get-CfnStack $StackName...
I need to remove all objects and versions in some folders in my S3 versioned bucket.
I tried with this command:
aws s3 rm s3://bucket/folder --recursive
But when I try this, all versions a...
I tested with fake thing, not exist on IoT Core, *UpdateThingShadowAsync* answer 200 OK. Why not responde 404?!
I am trying to deploy a Yaml script which has got a Policy deployment but it is failing with below error:
> UsagePlanReminderLambdaPolicy [UPDATE_FAILED]: Resource handler returned message: "S...
I have a simple console app that sends a certificate.pfx with password, enforcing SSlProtocol to TLS1.2 to an AWS ALB, the cyphers have been installed on windows server 2019. Unfortunately we keep...
We have an EC2 windows m6a.xlarge instance with storage of 200GB on which we have hosted our websites using IIS from over a year now which was working all fine until today. Suddenly we noticed that we...