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Questions tagged with Performance Insights
Amazon RDS Performance Insights is a database performance tuning and monitoring feature that helps you quickly assess the load on your database, and determine when and where to take action.
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70 results
I have been struggling with the following issue. When using MySQL 8.0.32+ (maybe previous versions as well) and enabling performance insights in RDS, my instances start leaking memory. It is very obvi...
I have an RDS that has Performance insights enabled. I can view the performance from the console. Is there a way to download the various metrics from the Dimensions Tab? I am specifically interested i...
I need to fetch the Top sql statements from RDS performance insights based on Avg latency(ms)/call and send it as pdf.
While checking the documentation, got the metric
**Background**: We have a kinesis Firehose configured to send to encrypted S3, it is converting from JSON to Parquet. The source is Direct PUT. The Buffer hints are set with 64MiB and interval of...
I am currently facing an issue where my TOP SQL stats are displayed as "-" for all my queries. I am using an Aurora Mysql 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.0 database.
After further investigation I came to the c...
I can see "Other 1075 mysqld threads" using 74% CPU of the RDS MySQL instance (v8.0.33) under "Operating system process list" in "Monitoring" tab and also in Performance Insights Metrics Dashboard und...
I want to enable Performance Insight in the my 'DB Cluster' which consist of following specifications **Current capacity**: 1 capacity unit, **Role**: Serverless, **Engine**: Aurora MySQL, **Engine ve...
On one of my RDS clusters, i got the recommendation to turn on performance insights.
When I tried to modify the database with Aurora Mysql 2.06 engine with instance type db.r4.xx , I am not get...
I'm following the following documentation to be able to retrieve the Performance Insights metrics for Calls/sec and Rows examined/call
We are using AWS RDS `Performance Insights` and trying to understand which host was responsible for `DB load`, when viewing dashboard `'Slice By Waits'`, tried to check `"Top hosts"` under Dimensions ...
Last week I've noticed a sudden spike in the ReadIOPS activity across all our RDS instances. It happened in two batches, actually, but it affected all of them:
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I am trying to get performance insights through AWS CLI. When I access the performance insights with my user through AWS console then it is working fine and all graphs and other data is showing, b...