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Questions tagged with Internet of Things (IoT)
Connect, collect, store, and analyze device data for industrial, consumer, and commercial use
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377 results
Hi all, i am following this guide []( to install cloudwatch publisher on my RaspberryPi, i ...
this is my code in lambda which runs based on SQS messages arrival.
var net = require('net');
let client = new net.Socket();
console.log(" ------------------- Attempt to connect.....
We are trying to control the state of the connection in android. I have
private var connection: AWSIotMqttClient? =null
And this type of connection does not allow a setCallback() to implement...
so I have some wifis that are being used to triangulate a users location, this is done by taking the packet information from the wifis and taking some information from the user's mobile then I need to...
We are using AWS IoT provisioning templates and policies to create and connect things by claim, which works fine to register the things. Once claimed, we want to apply a MQTT policy that grants the Io...
Hi, I am new to IoT Core, and I am implementing MQTT-based file delivery. I created stream for the file located at S3 bucket. When I publish the request message using client to the topic `$aws/things/...
Hi everyone,
I've been reading the description of the IoT message broker quota "Subscriptions per second per account", but I'm not sure if I understood it right.
Is this quota per IoT topic? Or does...
Hello everyone,
How do I check whether the following quotas for the IoT message broker have been exceeded?
- Connect requests per second per account
- Inbound publish requests per second per account...
Is there any way to access the data sent on the `$aws/things/thingName/jobs/jobId/update` topic through an IoT rule.? I know these messages don't go through the broker but I would like to be able to s...
Hi there,
I am trying to setup a cross account Iot topic rule, that will forward the messages to a Kinesis stream in a different account.
Here is a snippet from my cfn:
Why is my GG logs showing time difference of 2 hours than my system time. I have NTPD service setup that sets the time to local timezone, but when greengrass service starts, the greengrass.log (as wel...
I am facing an issue where it seems that the ShadowManager is encountering some issues, and shutting down the IPC service I believe.
I haven't had this issue before, and it only came when I added the ...