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Questions tagged with Amazon FreeRTOS
FreeRTOS is an open source, real-time operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage.
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24 results
Is it possible to exclude certain thingGroups from a FreeRTOS OTA update job?
As an example:
Say I have thingGroups: "production", "beta", and "internal". Some things may belong to multiple groups....
I am currently running an AWS FreeRTOS example on my device, and I am encountering issues with establishing a TLS session and initializing PKCS #11. Below is the log output from my device:
Is there a way one can easily retrieve the **code signing signature** of a binary that has been successfully signed by AWS Code Signer with a Code Signing Profile for AWS FreeRTOS? So essentia...
A couple of years ago, my company contracted with an agency to create firmware for our device to talk to IoT services. The device is based on an ESP32 chip and I know the firmware developer used Amazo...
I am currently using esp32 s3 to perform OTA using amazon-freertos and amazon I0T core.
C:\amazon-freertos>cmake -DVENDOR=espressif -DBOARD=esp32_devkitc -DCOMPILER=xtensa-esp32 -S . -B build -GNinja
I'm working with a hardware device that has firmware on it which is based on Amazon RTOS. I have two mobile apps, one for iOS and one for Android. The device in question has the RTOS bluetooth se...
I was trying to create an OTA update job on AWS IoT Core. I ran into an error when trying to specify AWS to sign a file for me. When I attempted to create the file, there is an error on `Object size e...
I am looking for any support on how to compile and deploy machine learning model to FreeRTOS target devices like Cortex M7. It is clear that compilation jobs are only supported for Windows and Li...
Hy there,
I would have expected that this is a simple task but apparently it is not: we need to create a proof of concept for a very simple IoT device. It shall control 3 digital outputs and 3 digital...
How will the IoT core SDK run on an embedded device with no OS or one that runs FreeRTOS?
I see only examples for Linux and Windows with java and python, but what about embedded devices that have no O...
I am using the coreMQTT-Agent lib on an ESP32 to receive large MQTT messages via AWS LAMBDA.
Smaller messages work perfectly, but as the messages grow in size, they fail with
D (47173) coreMQTT: E...
I am working on setting up the freeRTOS OTA example in MQTT mode, modified to transfer large files (> 10MB).
I have modified `pOtaInterfaces` to write my files to SD using fseek() and fwrite().
On a s...