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Questions tagged with AWS Billing
The AWS Billing console allows you to easily understand your AWS spending, view and pay invoices, manage billing preferences and tax settings, and access additional Cloud Financial Management services. Quickly evaluate whether your monthly spend is in line with prior periods, forecast, or budget, and investigate and take corrective actions in a timely manner.
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1762 results
Dear AWS Support Team,
I have been using my AWS account for the past 3–4 years without any significant changes to our usage or user base. However, over the past month, we've observed a substantial an...
For starters, a background.
Back in September, I, [*************], was given a major opportunity at a startup that's using AWS to get off the ground, as head of DevSecOps. The security controls I've ...
I got a bill payment of $21 but i am student and this is the first time i am using aws and i am not affordable to pay that money if they deactivate our account after that also we need to pay the mone...
I noticed that the remapping cost for Elastic IPs is not mentioned in the [AWS VPC pricing]( documentation. However, the EC2 On-Demand Pricing section does mention ...
Hi guys,
I need move some service from physical server to AWS for my company.
But I need the VAT Invoice for company payment.
Can AWS publish VN VAT Invoice?
I can't see the VN selection of Region i...
I need a service for OTP authentication via SMS in asia . What will be the cost for 10K OTP per month. Is there any charges for first time setup and which services are required for that.
For context, I am part of an MSP and I monitor Savings Plans of the accounts that we handle. We recently have purchased Savings plans that only has 50% coverage, and has an estimated savings ...
I have a free AWS account that should be for a year but I am being charged before the end of one year period. Why this is occurring?
My instance: itcmedbr
Thanks and best regards.
I have received the mail that my free tier is expiring soon. But I have no instances up and running. I am new to the aws services and hence a little confused.
When creating the instance, I can choose machines with different types of RAM (1gb - 6gb - 8gb...) for the 1-year free period. Currently I have 1gb, but if I exchange it for a larger one (8gb) I would...
We had a grant for non-profits of $5000 which we expected to cover a whole year but after a few months we are seeing very high bills. After some investigation (not very easy because cost and usage exp...
I’m posting from a separate account because I cannot login to my admin account. I need to login and cancel AWS because it is no longer needed for my business needs.