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Questions tagged with Session Management
A centralized session management data store provides consistent user experience, better session durability, and high availability.
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61 results
Hi all
I have a client who wants to use bastion host per environment. They want their application to be FedRAMP compliant and their agency wanted to use bastion host per environment. We all know we c...
I'm trying to connect to my instance on Gamelift Fleet using
aws ssm start-session --target i-instanceidhere --region eu-central-1
AWS CLI gives error: "Target not Connected". The documentation for...
I have setup this policy, and while the session works, the condition isn't restricting to that one host. Using the policy generator,
I found I had to add the sts:getcalleridentity, but the policy gene...
I'm trying to start a port forwarding session to our RDS through a bastion host. I have it working for an administrator, now i'm trying to implement least permissions.
aws ssm start-session --...
We keep having periodic issues where our servers go offline showing the message "Instance is not connected to session manager".
Checking the guide the solution says *"Solution: SSM Agent is Amazon s...
We have multiple aws account which we can access to through federated services. Each account is bind to a service.
I'm part of a transversal team, and i need access for support purposes on EC2 ...
Hi there,
we are running Grafana managed by AWS in kiosk mode on a raspberry pi. Our problem is, that every 12 hours the session is cancelled most likely due to a predefined timeout. Is there any poss...
I am currently creating a website with `Next.js` where I am using `Amplify` to authenticate my users. But the problem is that Amplify stores user's session including tokens on browser's `localStorage`...
Is there a way to connect to RDS with IAM Auth over SSM Session Manager tunnel opened with document AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost?
1. I have VPC attached Lambda that successfully...
I have an API Gateway which starts execution of State Machine and it runs command on EC2 through SSM Automation.
Everything is X-Ray traced and now I wanna add tracing to some python script run throug...
I am not able to login to my ec2 instance via ssh. I get connection timed out error.
I tried connecting via session manager however, even that is not working for me. My account is not authoriz...
I have two main roles that users use that we will call UserRoleA and UserRoleB. What I want to be able to do is to either allow or deny session manager access to the tasks within a given cluster to Us...