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Questions tagged with Website Hosting
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270 results
I am hosting a static website on s3 and using CloudFront (CDN) distribution domain name to access me website but have been receiving 'denied access' xml page instead. To save everyone time i have prov...
I'm moving from AWS to a different web host. They said I need to download FULL website archive: database AND files - very important!
How do I create and download this archive if I don't know command ...
Dear Amazon-Support,
The HTML, index.html file isn't properly rendering (on the website the tags arent rendered proerly and instead the content is shown as file-text) despite all the settings being co...
Dear colleagues,
I am trying to create a static S3 website. I've registered a domain and would like to secure the connection using CloudFront.
What i have done so far:
1. I have created S3 Bucket an...
This is about cost, not about how to set up multiple websites on an EC2 instance.
I have a WordPress site that's AWS hosted running Ubuntu. I admit that I don't know as much about Linux as I should and I'm really struggling with this. When I SFTP into my instance, I cannot modify o...
I am moving my website to AWS, just a personal site to test Wordpress and various web apps and I do use email, the only one who send/I am the only admin. I managed to create a Lightsail instan...
I am looking for resources to guide me through setting up a HIPAA-compliant WordPress hosting service. If you have any detailed step-by-step guides, video tutorials, or specific recommendations, ...
I’m encountering an Access Denied error when trying to access my static website via CloudFront, which uses an S3 bucket as the origin. Below is a detailed summary of my setup, including CloudFront, Ro...
I saw a question about a similar issue with no answers in the comments. Labeled "This XML file does not contain any style information." Has anyone found an answer or solution for this? I am running in...
We have an EC2 windows m6a.xlarge instance with storage of 200GB on which we have hosted our websites using IIS from over a year now which was working all fine until today. Suddenly we noticed that we...
Hello Everyone,
I have a small website running on an EC2 instance, the website should be running for only 5 months a year, I have used it for the last year with no issue, then I powered off the insta...