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Questions tagged with presigned URL
All objects and buckets are private by default. However, you can use a presigned URL to optionally share objects or allow your customers/users to upload objects to buckets without AWS security credentials or permissions.
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105 results
I am trying to upload an image from the client side (Angular app) using a presigned upload URL that is generated in the backend. When doing a PUT request to an Amazon S3 bucket using this presigned UR...
I am using CloudFront to control access to an S3 bucket utilizing signed URLs on a PHP backend (WordPress). I wanted to know if it is possible to make CloudFront signed URLs (as for instance dis...
I have a large number of 301 redirects I'm managing. I have the redirects.json file stored in an S3 bucket. I use an S3 PresignedURL to access the bucket with my Lambda@Edge function which is then acc...
Currently, I am using an IAM instance profile to generate a temporary security token, which...
Hi team,
I have a Lambda function that generates a **CloudFront signed URL** for uploading a file into an S3 bucket via the CloudFront distribution.
In addition to uploading the file via the Cloud...
We have a setup where users can view files stored in S3 by calling a backend API that generates a presigned URL for the file. This presigned URL is generated using an S3 Object Lambda Access Point. Wh...
Hi team,
I have a workflow that enables file uploads through CloudFront:
- Client browser -> API Gateway -> Lambda function (generates a CloudFront signed URL for file upload)
- The client then uses...
We have a PHP web application where S3 images need be shown on the website. The page loads are slow as we are generating pre-signed URL for each image to show the image on the screen. Is there a bette...
I'm having issues generating the pre-signed URL and attempting to download an object. For files larger than 190 MB, for example video file (such as a video file, which is the specific issue at the mom...
Hi team,
I am following up on my question posted [here](
I'm trying to implement the security en...
I am trying to upload a file via a generated pre-signed URL to my s3 bucket. When I initiate the upload the browser starts with a OPTIONS request to the s3 url which returns a 500 error. If I...
Forgive me ahead of time, but I'm very new to this. I currently have an small website used to archive documents / images etc and all the data is stored on S3 storage. I would like to have an ge...