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Questions tagged with Amazon CodeCatalyst
Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated DevOps service that brings together everything software development teams need to plan, code, build, test and deploy applications on AWS into a seamless, collaborative experience.
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114 results
I like CodeCatalyst, it's serving well.
Issues are organized and for now you can link other issues or tasks, or a pull request.
I would love to be able to link even better automatically - like azure ...
I want to be able to use an envirionment varible in a devfile, so i can dynamically change the workking directory for files. The reason for doing this is because I want to put the devfile in a gith...
I set up CodeCatalyst's Personal Slack Notification, but I don't receive a DM even when I create an issue. Is there anything else I need to configure?
Also, what are the conditional event for sending...
When creating a Space in CodeCatalyst, a region must be selected.
Why should I select a region for CodeCatalyst Space?
Are there any differences by region?
We have a very simple CodeCatalyst workflow which fails about 10% of the time at the CDKBootstrap action at the same point - "Download source". How do we find out what is causing it as i struggle to b...
We have some startup commands in our DevFile that are required to be run as the executing user (mde-user). I noticed that you [only support](
In order to understand how CodeCatalyst can meet our audit requirements, we would like to know how long CodeCatalyst retains workflow execution results? Are these stored perpetually until/unless the p...
How can set/unset the default region in a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment? When I go to login to AWS SSO using CLI, my profile has the default region set to us-east-1, but that seems to be ignored...
What is the function of Personal connections in My settings here I searched a lot but I did not find it useful I actually tried to use it but it is useless I tr...
There is a bug in the AWS Builder ID sign up, on the second step it asked two fields.
I can't remember the first field, but the second field asked me which region I want to use. I didn't select anyth...
Seems to be not concurrently supported:
- CodeCatalyst for git repositories
- Amplify with separate repos for FE,BE
The reason is that Amplify doesn't (yet??) know how to deploy from a CodeCatalyst G...
Given the recent announcement regarding the demise of CodeCommit, does anyone know if there are any implications for CodeCatalyst?