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Questions tagged with Resource Groups
AWS Resource Groups is the service that lets you manage and automate tasks on large numbers of resources at one time.
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26 results
I am trying to create a resource group based on tags used with EC2 instances.
The EC2 instance is tagged with Key: Name, and Value: xxcustyy
I create the query using the console, using *cust* as key v...
I am trying to create a resource group of EC2 instances using cloudformation, but I keep getting this error message:
Resource handler returned message: "Model validation failed (#/ResourceQuery/Query:...
Hi team members,
As a new to re: Post, would you please advise how I can contribute more to the Community group and earn badges ?
I have created a resource group containing 5 EC2 instances. Each of these instances have the same OS / IAM Role and SSM agent version. All online 24/7 and appear in Fleet Manager.
When I create a new ...
My account is part of Organization which is called Prod(Child) account. I created resource group and tag them all in prod account. When i navigate to cost allocation tag section, there it shows me
I am trying to increase service quota (phone numbers per instance). But here "Applied acccount-level quota value" says "Not Applicable: This quota is not adjustable at account level" and Adjustability...
In my AWS Resource Group console where one of my saved resource groups consistently displays a 'Network Failure' message at the top of the console. This error persists despite the resources being list...
how to create a group in amazon work Docs. I want to create a group to share the document and folder in amazon work Docs.
I am learning about Tag Policies under Organizations, and setup a sample Tag Policy where all EC2 instances need a specific value for a tag called CostCenter. I have tested this out by creating a new...
resourcegroupstaggingapi get-resources --resource-type-filters rds:cluster return deleted cluster resources as well.
Is it expected? please share document for this, and checking for resource-status
Seemingly at random, I am no longer able to start one specific notebook instance in Sagemaker due to the error listed in the subject. I have verified that other notebook instances are accessible, howe...
I am trying to make sure I don't incur charges after free tier.
In aws resource groups
All regions and all supported resource types
Even after deleting all resources, a few are still showing up....