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Questions tagged with AWS ParallelCluster
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43 results
Currently, after the default scaledown idle time of 10 minutes, the compute nodes are terminated and remain inactive until new jobs are executed. My customer is inquiring about the possibility of putt...
I set up spack in a new ParallelCluster instance following
The installation takes many hours, bu...
when I create a parallel cluster, I am given the option to load a custom image. But when I do it, I still must give also an OS (chosen among Amazon, Ubuntu, Centos, RHEL). See snapshot.
Indeed, the re...
Team, my customer would like to understand if ParallelCluster supports the use of static IPs within a VPC for the scale-out of the compute fleet via manipulating the NetworkConfiguration section in th...
I followed AWS PCS documentation - [Getting Started](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pcs/latest/userguide/getting-started.html) sections.
In Login Node instance, I don't see EFS mounted to it.
We are trying to join our Microsoft AD defined using AWS directory service to our parallel cluster headnode using the config file but it's not join seemlessly.
We fill the option as below to the pclu...
Is there a straightforward way to make sure compute nodes have access to python packages installed in the head node of a parallel cluster?
I have a python script to train a ML model with pytorch. I w...
I'm using Slurm Accounting with AWS ParallelCluster. I've analyzed all the tables created in the Slurm Accounting database and I can't find the EC2 instance ID. I need to be able to map the Slur...
Several different users of AWS Parallel Cluster are doing some CFD case design and running smaller compute simulations on their desktop machines, using the CFD software GUI, and then designing and sub...
I'd like to add a new queue to Parallel cluster with big GPUs (g4, g5, h6) - but I have heard that Parallel Cluster doesn't support all potential instances. Is there a list that shows which instances ...
I'm trying to start a cloud cluster with AWS on Matlab. I realized I was capped at 32 vcpu so I requested a quota increase to 256 on all normal instances, which was approved.
On matlab cloud center, I...
I created a parallelcluster UI (v 3.8.0) with quick-create link provided in the parallelcluster documentation ([https://docs.aws.amazon.com/parallelcluster/latest/ug/install-pcui-v3.html]()). The clou...