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Questions tagged with AWS Database Migration Service
AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) helps you migrate databases to AWS quickly and securely.
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682 results
Connection from DMS endpoint for PostgreSQL is failing with below error :
Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Failed retrieve database connection ID ODBC general...
Is ok to have multiple Serverless replications in DMS using the same source endpoint migrating the same table more than once?
Is ok to have multiple Serverless replications in DMS using the same source endpoint?
Hi there,
We have an AWS RDS PostgreSQL server running on PG 13.5. We plan to upgrade to 16.3 using Blue/Green deployment. We have a few AWS DMS jobs which created logical replication slots and are pu...
When following instruction to do date-based folder partitioning for a S3 endpoint in DMS, I'm getting the partitions without the key
for example:
I need:
I have a serverless DMS task using an Oracle DB as source and S3 as target, the task have a couple of transformation to extract the year and month to one of the tables and add a new column in one...
I am using DMS to migrate data from PostgresSQL to S3 in parquet format and with date-based folder partitioning, but the full-load file is not generated inside a folder but in the root, while the CDC ...
I'm using opensearch domain as target of dms. Everything works fine except deletions. In the table statistics we can see that the deletions are intercepted but not applied.
What's the recommended way to expose subsets of database tables to external users? These users might have different AWS accounts, a separate cloud provider (e.g., GCP), or some other database managem...
Tried to setup following setup: Postgres CDC -> DMS -> kinesis.
But for some reason DMS randomly selects 13 columns out of 47. So kinesis record contains data for 13 columns only.
- DMS rules are not...
I have created a DMS task that replicated a table along with changes to S3 - but the CDC files lack the column name. I have the AddColumnName set to true, and my initial table load file has the column...
When using ms-sqlserver as a source database and the DMS task set to use ms-replication for ongoing replication, the stored procedure call **sp_droparticle** fails with this error message