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Questions tagged with AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code.
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1849 results
The scenario
1.created s3 bucket through cloudformation file from yaml file uploaded from local machine but surprisingly
2 deleted the cloudformation stack and it got deleted but the bucket was not...
I am trying to Configuring web ACL traffic logging for an Amazon S3 bucket in aws cdk code.
I got a error 'The bucket policy already exists on bucket aws-waf-logs-*testName*.' when i deploy th...
Team, When I am about to create a QBusiness web App, got stuck with Service Role creation in the first stage. Could you please assist me what are the policies it should have and if it should be "Cust...
My build fails with " The stack named amplify-dg6kilaq53wkg-main-branch-86aa0e80db failed to deploy: UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: API key not found: da2-bvymkhsf2jcgrgnr336fum3tpa (Service: AWSAppSync;" ...
I create a simple cluster with the EksBlueprints. Everything works fine. But how I can get the generated VPC to use it in other Stacks?
const stack = blueprints.EksBlueprint.builder()
Using AWS cloud formation template, how can I update schema/index of an existing DynamoDB Table without recreating it.How can I use UpdatePolicy and UpdateReplacePolicy??
You are receiving this message because you created one or more pipelines in the past 8 weeks. AWS CodePipeline provides two pipeline types: V1 and V2. These pipeline types differ in the features suppo...
How to enable Deletion Protection on DynamoDb Global tables using Cloudformation YAML?
"DeletionProtectionEnabled: Boolean" is not allowed for "AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable"
Hi, my Elastic Beanstalk environment's server's disk keeps getting full. In looking at the problem I see that one possibility is that cloud formation keeps logging keep alives to the /var/log/cfn-wire...
We are looking to utilize GitSync in our Cloudformation templates to easily manage our AWS Service updates that could be needed. It looks like the CodeConnection is made for a signle user, but what ha...
I have a quick question. Is it possible to create the direct connect gateway with cloudformation ?
Is there a way to set the OCIU capacity for Opensearch via CFN?
I found this repo, https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-resource-providers-opensearchserverless/tree/main/aws-opens...