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Questions tagged with AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code.
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1849 results
Kinesis is owned by account A (live), Lambda by account B (test).
Consuming stream from a test function in account B works fine. Resource based policy on Kinesis and Lambda role are correct. Setting ...
Hi, I am trying to use cloudformation ,but I got an error message below when validating template with awscli.
$aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://awsbatch.yml
An error o...
Would appreciate guidance on connecting GitLab and AWS without use of Keys. Have looked through quite a few documents on both AWS and GitLab to no avail.
Also this document seems to refer to gitlab-...
I use the following code to import an existing bucket. But und some situations, it is possible that the Bucket is not there. How can i check with CDK in Typscript to check whether `"s3.Bucket.fromBuck...
Name: CatchAllReceiptRule (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule), Event Type: create, Reason: Could not write to bucket: email-invoices-bucket-niuralpayroll-prabhatenv (Service: null; Status Code: 400; Error Cod...
Below code throwing error `Fragment returned by transform AWS::LanguageExtensions is null`. Not sure what I'm missing.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion : '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::LanguageExtensions...
I create an S3 bucket in my stack. After I delete the stack and deploy it again, the deployment fails because the S3 bucket exists. My approach is now to check in the CDK whether the S3 bucket exists ...
We are using cloud formation templates to deploy resources in our primary region us-east-1. Some of the stacks need to import resources from our secondary region us-east-2 cloud formation stacks....
Hello, I am not sure what is going on but if I try to deploy a CF template specifically from here (https://catalog.workshops.aws/mpseller/en-US/saas/integration-with-quickstart), the 'Deploy, but don'...
I am trying to migrate the resource form one stack to another using Could formation template.
This used to work before, but now it is giving resource already exists error. the below steps was...
In my Stack I have a Autoscaling group with an EC2 Instance. If I delete the stack this two resource will stay and I have to delete them manualy. I expected that CDK Stack will get deleteled complete....
I want to add the setting to exclude EC2 instances from malware scanning using cdk, but I can't find a way to do it.
This is part of my code
const GDDetector = new CfnDetector(this, `GuardDutyDetect...