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Questions tagged with AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation lets you model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources by treating infrastructure as code.
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1886 results
I’m trying to deploy a Java application packaged as a .war file to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. However, the environment creation process fails with the following error message:
WaitCondition timed out. Re...
I want to import an existing Role into an existing stack. There is a problem with logical Ids that prevents this from happening.
1. I has a role in stack A and want to move it to stack B
2. I use comm...
I have configured cloudfront cdn with thumber, when accessing images I can resize them on the fly.
when I try to access videos through the same cdn in my bucket, it doesn't work.
video content is also...
I am using the AWS stack template to transfer data from S3 Glacier to a S3 bucket. The template asks for the DestinationBucketParameter. I have tried the name I gave it and the ARN and I get the foll...
Hello Support team
I have an DocumentDB global cluster in us-east-1, now I would like to add another region in my cluster using Cloudformation.
I created global cluster , instance using Cloudformati...
Can I assign a static IP from VPC subnet as well as AssociatePublicIp configured ?
Currently I have the following in my template
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMhZLXm5D9Qv...
I have specified S3 as contenturi in cloudformation template. Every time i'm deploying using sam if the file name (zip) inside the bucket is not changed it will not update the latest version. I tried ...
We have an ECS task that injects secrets from Secrets Manager, defined in a CloudFormation template created via the CDK. I have updated our CDK project to generate a new secret and inject it into the ...
I am new to the expansive world of AWS services. While I’ve previously used AWS Amplify to build a simple cloud-backed Swift application, I want to grow my knowledge and learn how to build full-fledge...
I have a backend service consisting of 29 Lambda functions deployed with AWS SAM with versioning enabled. In the past few months deployments became flaky and sometimes only succeed after several re-ru...
I am deploying an Amplify application after several months (busy at work). The deployment is failing while creating a CloudFormation with all of the auth/data resources due to a vague S3 access issue ...
Hi Aaron Rose
Thanks for your feedback on the thread titled: "(SO0030) instance-scheduler-on-aws v3.0.7 failed"
In this regards, please find below few comments:
1. Verify the time zone in the Insta...