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Questions tagged with Amazon Elastic File System
Simple, serverless, set-and-forget, elastic file system
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283 results
Dear Team,
Please help me done this task. Give me the instruction that i want to get more exposure
* How do you identify which directories are consuming the most space?
*How do you identify wh...
I have a small regional EFS that I use for Linux Home Directories. This EFS is mounted on our Jump server in US-East. I would like to create a jump server in US-West. So I need all the EFS data cop...
Generally in most the projects I do, I primarily use EC2, within such there are multiple instances. Currently, I am using On-Demand Linux Pricing for EC2, it was mentioned in the documentation that EC...
I’m currently running a WordPress site on a two-tier AWS architecture with the following setup:
EC2: Hosting Nginx with WordPress and Load Balancer
RDS: MariaDB for the database
S3 with CloudFront: S...
according to CloudTrail and error files created in started Sagemaker Studio Jupyterlabs, the role `AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSageMakerNotebooks` encounters an `AccessDenied` error when trying to ...
I have two EC2 instances running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in separate availability zones. Each has its own elastic IP assigned to it. They share the same security group. This security group basically allow...
Getting no permissions error while restoring EFS
I'm in a similar situation to : I'm transferring within the same account from our s3 bucket to ou...
I have an EFS system and I want to connect it to my local computer. I have searched through the internet that AWS Direct Connect can help me in this matter, However, I want to know if there are any al...
EKS managed node-group fail to delete when one of its security groups also appears on an EFS network interface. The failure of the deletion is reported to be due to a dependency on an existing ...
I'm trying to attach a custom image to a Sagemaker Domain for use in multiple spaces, the whole thing done as IaC.
I'm unable to replicate what I've done manually with the AWS CLI in Sagemaker.
My cu...
Greetings all, we were a little too lax in our EFS backups only backing up the file system once a month. It is 492GB in size.
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