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Questions tagged with AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
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103 results
Dear Team,
Please help me done this task. Give me the instruction that i want to get more exposure
Your application traffic fluctuates throughout the day, so you want to set up Auto Scaling based on...
I am trying to create a CloudWatch alarm for a group of Lambda functions that share a specific tag (e.g., Environment=qa01 or ApplicationName=Energy).
Currently, the alarm works when I specify exact ...
I'm getting stuck trying to add a layer to the hello world example for nodejs generated through `sam init`.
I created a layer in the template file:
Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerV...
I have a backend service consisting of 29 Lambda functions deployed with AWS SAM with versioning enabled. In the past few months deployments became flaky and sometimes only succeed after several re-ru...
I have a sam template with a common runtime dependency defined in `Resources` as:
Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
BuildMethod: makefile
Looking for Amplify Gen2 Experts to Collaborate! 🚀
Hi everyone! 👋
I’m an independent developer building a multi-tenant application using Amplify Gen2. The backend is mostly set up with:
Once in a while SAM’s “local-api” command will give an error (see below). The best I can make of the root cause is that the cdk output template for the Lambda Integrations stack contains “Fn:ImportVal...
Serverless computing has revolutionized application development, allowing developers to build and run applications without managing infrastructure. AWS provides a robust suite of services to enable se...
I am attempting to locally debug a python Lambda function that uses layers for both a custom python core utility file and associated dependencies.
My project structure looks like:
├── ...
I wrote SAM code to create S3 and Lambda resources, but the deployment failed. Could you help me identify what went wrong? Error Message:
`AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 is null`
Project Structure:
Dear Team,
I am new to deployment process and have started exploring it through the AWS official documentation. However, I find the topic and its workflow a bit complex to grasp initially.
Could any...
I have a multi-tenant application with the following setup:
* **Frontend**: Telerik Blazor
* **Backend**: .NET Core AWS Serverless Application
* **Database**: SQL Server (each tenant has its own data...