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Questions tagged with AWS Open Data
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15 results
Is there any EC2/Lightsail without "Data Transfer" limit? (eg servers with unlimited transfer data rate)
I've used the Ethereum Blockchain Transaction data from S3 in the following S3 location.
It looks like this s3 bucket doesn't exists anymore
s3cmd ls s3://amazon-bodym/
ERROR: Bucket 'amazon-bodym' does not exist
ERROR: S3 error: 404 (NoSuchBucket)
or am I missing somethin...
As the title suggests, I queried the BTC transactions table and found that (after querying the first 100_000_000 rows) every one of the transactions inputs has spend_output_index = null.
Is this an e...
After accessing Sentinel 2's (L2) open dataset I tried to retrieve Landsat 8 datasets via bucket- `landsat-pds`. However, the bucket is not available on the I still tried. It d...
I see that shows that the data has been somewhat blocked in the past. Is the same thing happening...
There is public accessed S3 bucket (aws-public-blockchain) with ethereum blockchain data. But it has this issue - data count is incorrect at multiple days. As you can see following query produces 2392...
Hi there. i want to create ai personal assistant application that understands human language and speak with people on lithuanian language
According to the dataset should be updated daily at 00:30 UTC, but the Ethereum last block in the `blocks` set is dated 20 days ago. Also, the last...
BodyM Dataset, Provided by: Amazon, part of the Open Data ( has entry regarding license:
"Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerc...
GOES16 legacy temperature profiles have weird offsets when I load the netcdf file in many programs (I am up to date with netcdf4 libraries). For example, in the attached file I show a profile of the t...
I am using `aws-sdk-go` in goLang.
And my goal is to make `signature` of JWT from http header.
I guess if use `GetSignature` we can do that.. But I cannot convince which variable will be fit.
May I a...