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Questions tagged with Vector Engine for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless
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9 results
I’m using hierarchical chunking in Bedrock Knowledge Bases and would like to understand how the final score for retrieved parent chunks is calculated. Specifically:
- When multiple child chu...
I've created 5 Bedrock Knowledge bases, with a collective total file size around 278 GiB.
I've had no issues before this, but 2 weeks ago I've started to hit the SearchOCU limit reached error. My u...
Dear fellow AWS users and experts,
I am seeking guidance on the typical storage sizes for knowledge bases in Amazon Bedrock. The storage size of our first collection seems excessive relative to the e...
I'd like to do a metadata filtering (to be used in the retrieve_and_generate method) based on the file names of the files saved in the S3 bucket that is part of the knowledge bases. Tried to follow th...
We are working on ingesting websites into an OpenSearch Serverless Collection, with a requirement to provision the infrastructure at runtime and destroy it once vector generation is complete. We are u...
data source -> web crawler
Regex include pattern -> none
content chunking and parsing -> default
embeddings model -> Embed english v3
vector database -> quick create a new vector store
policies a...
I am trying to create a Knowledge base to be used with AWS Bedrock for a very Proof of Concept solution. The knowledge base needs some form of Vector Database to run off of, which one of the options i...
When visiting my OpenSearch collection and navigating to Indexes I get a "Failed to fetch".
In console Access to fetch at '
Hi Guys!
I will like to know if it is better to use AWS Kendra or Pinecone as vectorial Database, and also if it is best to use Pinecone from the AWS Marketplace or to use Pinecone from their own sit...