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Questions tagged with IAM Roles Anywhere
Use IAM Roles Anywhere to allow workloads that run outside of AWS, such as on-premises, hybrid, and multicloud environments, to access AWS resources by using X.509 digital certificates issued by your registered certificate authorities.
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24 results
Dear Team,
Please help me done this task. Give me the instruction that i want to get more exposure
How will give you temporary access s3 object ?
MahendraKumar V
IT | Cloud Engineer
Service role "arn:aws:iam::222634374128:role/ec2role" is missing permissions required to check for managed updates. Verify the role's policies.
Hello I am deploying my serverless to AWS us-east-1 region and I getting the below error:
**Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request provided: Cannot access secret manager value arn:aws:sec...

In the view: Gamelift>Create Build
In the requi...

I created an environment in El...
Good morning
I don't know if someone can help me with what I need...
In my AWS console I manage several S3 clients in the same area. A client is asking me for access to his Bucket but after creating t...
I have followed the blog : [] to create resources on my AWS account...
After a year of creating the access policies and their users, there came a day last week when all the users I had created over a period of 5 months disappeared without a trace; only their policies rem...
I have written a lambda function in python. The lambda function calls an AWS OpenSearch cluster using the OpenSearch endpoint and using python request library and awsauth library.
I have the functio...
I’m a student currently gaining hands-on experience with AWS services through a course called "**DevOps on AWS: Code, Build, and Test**" on **Coursera**. As part of the course project, I need ...
Hi guys, im following this tutorial with my root account to try deploy my docker container like this but when im triying assign the role to ECS task definition min 3:45 and doesnt exist.
I get this Error when run Glue ETL job:
`Error Category: RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR; An error occurred while calling o228.pyWriteDynamicFrame.