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Questions tagged with Amazon Neptune
Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications.
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174 results
need information on key points for comparing Neo4j and Neptune considering data loading, data querying, data visualization and gds compatibility and data security and performance of query ,upto what ...
From the Neptune / gremlin guide:
g.V().property(single, 'lastUpdate', datetime('2018-01-01T00:00:00'))
Neptune does not support Java Date. Use the datetime() function instead. datetime() acce...
I'm working on deduplicating company records from multiple data sources using Neptune. The raw dataset is approximately 400M records. I'm considering an approach using vector embeddings to capture com...
Hello all.
I was recently notified by AWS:
> On June 30, 2025, Amazon SageMaker will deprecate Notebook Instances running on the JupyterLab 1 and JupyterLab 3 platforms. Effective on this date, custo...
Description: Base Template to create Neptune Stack with Engine Version using custom Parameter Groups
Description: Neptune DB instance type
Type: Stri...
If we have approx 250 M data records for our usecase and we are planning to do analysis in Neptune database/Neptune Analytics which instance type(serverless/provised) will be the best fit and what ins...
Does Neptune analytics supports all type of open cypher/gremlin queries which are supported in Neptune database (for ex- Variable length path queries and other traversal queries)???
and if we have da...
We recently connected our Neptune cluster to OpenSearch Service and eventually, the data transfer finished successfully and we can perform queries with OpenSearch Service.
Now we are trying to do the...
I'm working with Amazon Neptune and using Gremlin to query my graph data. Currently, I have two separate queries: one to get the count of vertices and another to select a specific range of results. I'...
Neptune1-to-Neptune2 replication only replicates in-flight requests enabled after replication, but does not replicate data that exists in Cluster 1 and is missing in the Cluster 2 database.
If it re...
I have enabled Result Caching in AWS Neptune. My Slow Query logs tell me that my cache is being hit, but that there is no performance improvement over misses. I have tested on db.t4g.medium and db.r6g...
After submitting query against Neptune DB to create a new vertex, I'm not sure how to handle the response I get from gremlin client. It says the response is of type vertex, but I haven't been able to ...