re:Post Terms of Use
Last updated: July 11, 2023
By using AWS re:Post, you agree that the AWS re:Post Community Guidelines, these Terms of Use, and the AWS Customer Agreement (collectively, the “Governing Terms”) govern your use of AWS re:Post. If you are already an AWS customer, the reference to the AWS Customer Agreement means your existing agreement with Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates governing your use of AWS services. If you are not a current AWS customer, it means the terms of the online AWS Customer Agreement. These Terms of Use supplement the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement, but to the extent of any conflict between the two, the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement control. AWS may monitor and remove any content available on AWS re:Post, and may refuse or terminate your access to AWS re:Post, including for any violation of the Governing Terms.
Your Posts. You are responsible for the content that you post on AWS re:Post, including ensuring your posts will not violate the Governing Terms. AWS may close discussion threads at its discretion. When a thread is closed, no additional posts will be allowed in that thread. We may use and store the content that you post on re:Post to maintain, develop, and improve AWS Offerings.
Your Email & Profile Settings. You will receive emails from AWS re:Post as per your Profile Settings and based upon your re:Post activity. You can modify the frequency of emails or unsubscribe from AWS re:Post emails in your Profile Settings.
Informational Only. You are responsible for making your own independent assessment of the information available on AWS re:Post, including testing, securing, and optimizing any suggestions posted by AWS or other users that you choose to adopt. Posts on AWS re:Post, whether by AWS or other users, (a) are suggestions and for informational purposes only, (b) relate to current AWS services, offerings, and practices, which are subject to change, and (c) create no warranties, representations, commitments, conditions, or assurances from AWS. AWS takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any information available on AWS re:Post.
Privacy. The AWS Privacy Notice explains how AWS collects, uses, and shares personal information in connection with your use of AWS re:Post.
Updates. AWS may update AWS re:Post and these Terms of Use at its sole discretion by making available the updated versions online. Your continued use of AWS re:Post constitutes your acceptance of such updates.