Quantum Technologies
Explore and experiment with quantum computing. Amazon Braket is a fully managed service that helps you get started with quantum computing by providing a development environment to explore and design quantum algorithms, test them on simulated quantum computers, and run them on your choice of different quantum hardware technologies.
Recent questions
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- "When using Amazon Braket, I'm encountering a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utils'. How can I resolve this issue and correctly import the utils module?"
- Hi there, I am trying to run a Hybrid job and I am not sure how to pass the shot number correctly to the tasks within the hybrid job. My script works as expected on SV1 simulators but as soon as I...
- Instead of accessing quantum hardware, while we are trying to implement noisy simulation using Pennylane in AWS braket (Zone:N.Virginia), it is running very slowly and becomes almost impossible to...
- In AWS Braket (Zone: N.Virginia), in Ionq hardware and Aria1 devices with error mitigation support, the QPU () can not be accessed as the following error takes place "ModuleNotFoundError: No module...
- Is it possible to use Reserved Instance among EC2 Types as the instance used for Classical Job in Hybrid Job of Amazon Braket?
- Hello, We aim to add a quota per user to execute AWS Braket quantum tasks and jobs. So, we want to know if AWS allows the interception of requests made by Boto3 to create a proxy using the Lambda...
- ValidationException: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateQuantumTask operation: [line 16] result type probability is not supported on the requested device
- Hello AWS Community, We are exploring how advanced AI and quantum computing solutions can be integrated with AWS to enhance efficiency and problem-solving capabilities. Details: Technologies:...
- The service I use is Amazon Braket, and the notebooks on the platform use AmazonBraketServiceSageMakerNotebook. Why does it still show that I don’t have permission?![Enter image description...
- Earlier I was able to create aws quantum task and execute hybrid jobs. Now it is giving me this exception. Amazon Braket Jobs Execution Roles and Policies are all set both for notebook as well as the...
- I was going to use Braket in us-east1. I wanted to use qiskit, so I wanted to import the module, but an error occurred. I referred to the following URL...
- Hey! I have personal AWS account and try to play around with AWS Braket, but always get this error: ``` An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateQuantumTask operation: ...
- In using Braket, following the tutorial I get the error: "An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateQuantumTask operation: This account is not authorized to use this resource....
- Hi, I'm a new sagemaker user, and I'm trying to understand how it works. I submit jobs to Aquila, an amazon braket device, on sagemaker. After submitting I see the job is queued. Now if I delete my...
- Recently a problem was encountered regarding access to jobs results. The job status is completed, however all of the tasks with job have status failed (reason: InternalFailure), and the results of the...
- From my understanding of the documentation, the pulse-level circuits be it on Braket Pulse or OpenQASM OpenPulse are to be run on the QPUs to which the corresponding pulses are calibrated. Is it the...
- ![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IM21MrpCpKTOigAkWxjqgvCg) Hello community, I was executing my code with the following libraries...
- Error: ``` http-outgoing-1 << "{"message": "Caller doesn't have access to amazon-bracket-<bracket-bucket-name> or it doesn't exist.", "__type": "ValidationException"}" ``` Code: ``` // Aws...
Giovanni Lauria
EXPERTOsvaldo Marte
EXPERTAdeleke Adebowale J
EXPERTkranthi putti