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Articles in Compute
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230 results
published 9 days ago0 votes57 views
Amazon GameLift launches Queue Location Override, a new feature to allow dynamically updating game session placement location for every game session placement request, overriding the static location o...
published 17 days ago0 votes177 views
This guide outlines the process of integrating Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) with AWS Lambda. It covers setting up VPC and its components, security groups, and an MSK cluster, as wel...
published 21 days ago0 votes186 views
Amazon GameLift introduces the TerminateGameSession API to effortlessly resolve stuck game sessions, in order to boost game development efficiency and optimize resource utilization.
published 21 days ago0 votes68 views
A list of resources to use when you are first starting with the Neuron SDK and Inferentia or Trainium instances.
published 22 days ago0 votes160 views
Steps to set up Jupyter notebooks and VS Code remote server on Trainium and Inferentia Neuron systems.
published 22 days ago2 votes301 views
Install Certbot on EC2 instances running AL2023 (Amazon Linux 2023), use it to request and install Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate on either Apache or Nginx web server, with automated renewal
published 22 days ago0 votes117 views
T4g Free Trial Announcement
published a month ago0 votes365 views
Key announcements and discover how industry leaders, like Apple and Anthropic, are revolutionizing AI with AWS Trainium and Inferentia
published a month ago0 votes81 views
Amazon GameLift adds support to deploy and host game servers running on managed container fleets from the Unity and Unreal Engine plugins, and adds support for Unreal Engine V5.4 and V5.5 to the Unrea...
published a month ago2 votes506 views
How to configure the default display screen resolution of an EC2 instance running Windows Server?
published a month ago0 votes102 views
Get started with Inferentia and Trainium on EC2 using the Hugging Face Neuron Deep Learning Amazon Machine Image (AMI). A short walkthrough of how to deploy an EC2 image with all the Neuron drivers a...
published a month ago0 votes116 views
This article provides guidance for you in deploying Windows Server operating system (OS) in Amazon WorkSpaces Core and Omnissa Horizon. Steps can be user with your virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)...