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Questions in Media Services
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686 results
I am currently planning to use AVC codec with AWS MediaConvert for a project. As per my understanding, the AVC codec is patented and may require a royalty payment for using it.
My primary quest...
Anyone else experiencing issues with Mediaconvert today? We havent touched this service in months, been running perfectly well. All of a sudden we started getting this error:
Your input [3] has a var...
I am using Elastic Transcode but it must to migrate to Mediaconvert by November 2025.
Now, I'm struggling to use **AWS MediaConvert** to transcode user-uploaded videos and overlay a logo in the **bot...
I am using AWS MediaConvert to transcode an MP4 video into HLS format. My configuration includes multiple audio outputs with the following order:
1. English
2. Indonesian (DEFAULT)
When I play the Me...
I have configured cloudfront cdn with thumber, when accessing images I can resize them on the fly.
when I try to access videos through the same cdn in my bucket, it doesn't work.
video content is also...
Speaking of IVS and HLS, is it possible to get the amount of traffic moved on live streamings via IVS, per channel? When serving a live streaming via CloudFront you can see all the outgoing traffing, ...
We're a visual effects studio getting consistent errors when trying to do a Houdini Flipbook via Deadline. Every node is giving either a segmentation fault or a RTTI error and it doesn't matter which ...
Hello, I understand Transcoder is not available for new accounts due to being deprecated, however it does seem fully active until Nov 2025. My question would be if there is any way to enable it tempo...
Starting about 1 day ago (first error at Dec 11, 2024 1:03:35 AM UTC), I began to receive a **400 Bad Request** error response to all my requests to create MediaConvert jobs in us-west-2.
This is str...
I'm trying to make a live stream from an ESP32-S3-EYE device, I created an EC2 instance and I'm using nginx to make the transmission with rtmp protocol, I don't know if it's the best way to make ...
When creating a job with a template and with the following OutputGroups settings for updating the LanguageCode and WebvttDestinationSettings.Accessibility
I get the error :
> An error occurred (BadRe...
Does MediaPackage v2 emit events via EventBridge, as it did with MediaPackage v1? For example, a Harvest Job notification event that could integrate with other AWS components like Lambda.
v1 Doc: htt...