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Questions in Game Tech
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498 results
I want to use Managed Containers with GameLift, but I have a requirement to to apply TLS to the endpoints.
I'm struggling to find documentation about whether Managed Container fleets support TLS certi...
Hi everyone,
We are currently creating multiple game sessions on GameLift Managed EC2 fleets. For instance, in only one fleet, we are running 20 game sesssions concurrently and with scale policy, Gam...
![traceroute for BAH](/media/postImages/original/IMTqRQFk1eTmqOJZzpzMq9Zw)
![here is cloudfront trace](/media/postImages/original/IMHE1G38PbR6Gdn1iUYm9oqg)
AWS global accelerator Suddenly got high pin...
When multiple people join at the same time, server app is not able to create player sessions for each user, sometimes it even crashes.
What's causing this error?
I am using lambda to create game sessi...
I placed the OpenSSL used for Server SDK Build in the following path: I put "libcrypto-3-x64.dll" and "libssl-3-x64.dll" in the <UnrealProject>\Binaries\Win64 path. However, I am experiencing the SERV...
A zip file from S3 bucket contains the game server files. A build was created with that zip file. A fleet was created from that build. The fleet's Events tab has following events:
**Extracting build:...
I'm trying to connect to my instance on Gamelift Fleet using
aws ssm start-session --target i-instanceidhere --region eu-central-1
AWS CLI gives error: "Target not Connected". The documentation for...
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMB7ZbqBLuRnCmJQbQjnPN2Q)
In the view: Gamelift>Create Build
In the requi...
I'm creating a gamelift fleet. The fleet starts creating and reaches "FLEET_STATE_ACTIVATING" event. It stays like that for a very long time, approximately an hour or more. Eventually the fleet is del...
How do I make multiple users that made simultaneous create game session requests to join into one game session? I am using lambda to handle requests.
I am using Unreal Engine. I need to create game sessions automatically after game server process is ready. The reason is that when multiple players send join request at the same time, there is ...
Hi there,
i was wondering when the official GameLift plugin for Unreal Engine will be updated to support Unreal Engine 5.4.
Its been some time that 5.4 is out, they just released 5.5, and still the pl...