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Questions in Migration & Modernization
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3774 results
When I executed CREASTMT job as per the instructions given in L3 workshop which is as follows:
6. Execute CREASTMT job (
Hi, our RDS Aurora instances are not shrinking deleted tables with the command DROP TABLE even if our engine (5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.6) support the Aurora automatic storage scaling feature. The parame...
Hi, I'm trying to modify a RDS instance so the certificate authority gets updated. In general I'm just updating the minor version and leaving everything as is. But when I try to modify it I get the er...
Hey there,
I've tried multiple times to create a cross region read replica for my MySQL RDS cluster. It was working previously until I populated my source db with data.
It "creates" successfully and...
I am getting below error while Checking AppStream 2.0 Image availability.![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMLrbDVMTpR3uN4DlDBc1OIA)
I choose region to eu-central-1and image...
When modifying an existing RDS instance via the Console, the Manage credentials in AWS Secrets Manager option is disabled. I have verified the permissions for the user with the policy simulato...
I need to set up a replication task on DMS. My source DB is on-premise (Postgres 17.2), and the target DB is on AWS (Also Postgres 17.2).
I tested the two endpoints using a replication instanc...
AWS Bluage L3 work shop - Code base transformation - Issues trouble shooting - Basic Issue
While doing the resolution file extension from JCL to CPY after the launch dependency graph has changes with ...
Hi AWS, I have a doubt regarding one question i.e.
A company is migrating its product development teams from an on-premises data center to a hybrid environment. The new environment will add four AWS ...
I want (as an MySQL RDS admin) to grant a monitoring tool user read only access to DB metadata through information_schema, but when I run:
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.* TO monitor_user;
During workshop, I ended up having a problem executing CREASTMT programe at step
We have some RDS instances with Postgree 12.19 which will end its standar support on 02/2025. Checking the options to migrate i see that the newest version available is 16.3, which end of stan...