Regarding deploying the stack using AWS CDK


I tried deploying the Cloud Formation stack from the AWS CDK but at step 108 of 112. I got this error "Stack deploy failed (the stack disappeared while we were deploying it): Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: AccessDeniedException: Resource is not in the state functionActive"

I added the necessary permissions (Lambda full access) to the CDK execute role and deploy role. But again getting this same error.

Please help

已提问 6 个月前540 查看次数
3 回答

Hi Yatin,

The "AccessDeniedException: Resource is not in the state functionActive" error suggests a problem with the state of a Lambda function in your CloudFormation stack deployed via AWS CDK.

Ensure all Lambda functions are in the "Active" state and check for any dependencies or configurations in your CDK code that might prevent this. Also, verify the IAM permissions for the roles used by CDK for deployment. Consider checking CloudWatch Logs for more insights and ensuring your AWS CDK is up-to-date. If issues persist, testing the deployment manually.

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已回答 6 个月前
  • What are the necessary permissions that I need to attach and this error is from AWS or the code?



How about searching for the API where the error occurred from the CloudTrail event history as described in the document below?
This may reveal the missing IAM policy.

You can check the CloudTrail event history by following the steps in the document below.

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已回答 6 个月前

Could be related to this issue, assuming you have the right permissions in place:

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已回答 6 个月前
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已审核 6 个月前

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