How to solve error "NotAuthorizedException" when trying to change password of user?


I am using AWS Cognito in my ionic app, i am able to sign in using my user account but when i try to change the password i get the error "NotAuthorizedException", even though my access token is the same and did not change. ANy idea on what the problem is and how to fix it?

已提问 2 个月前135 查看次数
1 回答

I think more context is needed here, But as far as I understand. You have identity to login using your credentials but You are not authorized to change password or might not be able to do Write operations. Please check if you have write permission.

已回答 2 个月前
  • Yes i can login using my credentials but cannot change the password by using the changePassword() method provided in the AWS Cognito Docs. Concerning the write permission i think i have the right to write, where can i check, because in the user attributes password is not listed.

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