An error occurred while calling o128.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Record is incomplete.


got while running Glue job: An error occurred while calling o128.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Record is incomplete. any help is appreciated

已提问 2 年前5302 查看次数
1 回答


the error seems to indicate that the step that initiated the write has as input a DynamicFrame with some data issue. It could be a special characters that splits one record in two lines, but it is not really possible to say with the limited info.

You should try to look at the logs of the job.

In Glue Studio open the jobs then select the tab Runs or in the left pane select Monitoring then follow the instruction in this documentation page.

You can also try to enable run insight to get a different formatting for the logs, that should be easier to read.

hope this helps, if you are not able to find the issue, please update the question with more info from the logs, and about your job.

Thank you

已回答 2 年前

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