Show only selected servers in session manager



I am currently using session manager to provide access to all servers via session manager which is working as intended.

The issue comes where I got another set of users who require access to certain servers.

Is there anyway, only the servers that is required will be shown up in the session manager. I tried to edit the ec2:DescribeInstances but I just can't get it working.

Would require assistance with this.

已提问 1 年前217 查看次数
1 回答

Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure an IAM policy to allow viewing only of specific EC2 instances.

The reason for this is that most display actions, such as ec2:DescribeInstances, do not support "resource-level permissions. This means that you can only set either "show all EC2 instances" or "don't show all EC2 instances".

It seems that it is possible to set up a policy such that only certain EC2 sessions are initiated.

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