Can Snowball Edge Storage Optimized be used in fully offline mode ?


I'm looking into using the Snowball Edge Storage Optimised devices to perform a data migration between two on-prem facilities. The edge device would be loaded with data in the first facility, then relocated physically to the other facility where the data would be read back.

#1 Does the edge device support offline mode with NFS as the storage adapter ? I want to configure the device outside the facility from where it will be used. When the edge device is inside the facility, it will have no network connectivity to the outside world/internet.

#2 When using the NFS as the storage adapter, can the Edge device be ordered as a cluster? The storage requirement is above 80TB, so multiple devices would be required.

已提问 8 个月前308 查看次数
3 回答

Could you please accept the answer if it helped for you? Thanks)

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已回答 8 个月前
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已审核 18 天前
  • I cant. According to AWS Support, Snowball does not support clustering when using the NFS adapter.



#1: Offline Mode with NFS Yes, Snowball Edge Storage Optimized supports NFS (as well as S3-compatible interfaces). You can configure the Snowball Edge device while it's in a location with network connectivity and then use it in an entirely offline environment. The device doesn't require an internet connection to operate in its basic data transfer functionalities, but it's essential to note that some features (like job status updates) won't work without a connection to the AWS Snowball service.

#2: NFS and Clustering Yes, Snowball Edge devices can be clustered to provide both greater storage capacity and increased data durability. When clustered, Snowball Edge devices work together as a single, logical storage pool. If one device in the cluster fails or becomes unavailable, the data remains accessible as long as a quorum of devices in the cluster is operational.

Best regards, Andrii

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已回答 8 个月前
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已审核 18 天前
  • Follow up regarding Clustering. When attempting to order an edge device, the minimum required is 5 devices, and the maximum is 10. Reading the docs ( about clustering, it seems to list that one the minimum is 3 and the maximum i 16, not 5/10 as shown in the order page. It is not clear to me reading the documentation if the clustering option does support NFS as the storage adapter


Snowball Edge outages in the cluster. Clusters can withstand the loss of one device in clusters of 3 and 4 devices and up to two devices in clusters of 5 to 16 devices. It`s about loss devices so you can use a minimum is 3 and a maximum i 16 but in case of 3 and 4 lose only one in the case above 4 you can lose 2 devices.

Regards, Andrii

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已回答 8 个月前
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已审核 18 天前

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