How do I terminate SageMaker Services



I had unexpected billing due to some SageMaker instances still running (see screenshot).

SageMaker billing overview

I don't know how to terminate it. I have followed the documentation on how to find and terminate running instances. I've looked at my billing dashboard and found that there are still running processes associated with SageMaker.

I've deleted resources associated with the respective regions including endpoints / models / notebook instances / s3buckets / cloudwatch log groups / domains / users

I thought it would be safe to delete the domains and users, although that might have been a bad call on my part.

I would really like to STOP the SageMaker instances. What should I do. Please help.

已提问 1 年前972 查看次数
1 回答

Are you deleting resources in the region where you are incurring charges?
The invoice in the image appears to show charges for two regions.

Please refer to the following procedure for cleanup.

profile picture
已回答 1 年前
  • Yes, I did make sure to delete resources in the mentioned regions. Thank you for mentioning that! I'm sorry I didn't mention it in my question.

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