ELB HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count is zero even when I'm seeing lots of 502s.


I have an elb with a target group using the dynamic port mapping ECS mechanism. When I trigger a 4XX from the target, say by asking for a route that doesn't exist, I can see the HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count change in cloudwatch; however the corresponding 5XX metric does not change when I trigger any 5XX responses from the target. I can see that the status code is set correctly (Chrome thinks it is a 5XX request), but the HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count remains '-' indicating no data. I've tried setting the statistic to sample count and the period to a minute. I've also tried setting the statistic to Sum as indicated in the docs, but no combination of statistic/ period gives any data - even though I'm receiving 5XX errors from my target (routed through the ELB).

I've tried in two different vpcs with the same results.


已提问 4 年前1027 查看次数
1 回答


This was because the 5XX errors I was seeing were coming from the elb rather than my targets. Looking at the HTTPCode_ELB_502_Count with SUM statistic gives me the data I expect.


已回答 4 年前

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