Can Cloudwatch dashboard variable depend on another dashboard variable


I have following schema {pageId, pageVersion, subPageId}. Each pageId+pageVersion has different set of subPageId. I need to plot graphs for each pageId and create a dropdown for pageVersion and subPageId to update the graph.

For pageVersion, I can use metric search to populate available values using hardcoded pageId.

 Search({namespace, pageId, pageVersion, subPageId}pageId=A)
and choose the resulting pageVersion dimension results.

For subPageId, I need to use hardcoded pageId and value chosen in the pageVersion dropdown to retrieve the metric results.

 Search({namespace, pageId, pageVersion, subPageId}pageId=A AND pageVersion=$pageVersion)

Is it possible to use the value of other variable in the metric search and update the graph dynamically ?

已提问 5 个月前426 查看次数
1 回答

Hi, apologies for the delay getting back to you. After checking, I have confirmed that it is not possible to use the value of another variable in the definition of a metric search to populate another variable.

When using a custom widget, you can refresh a custom widget and add additional context to the event as you trigger new refresh, which allows custom widgets to nest or cascade queries, but that only works for custom widgets, and doesn't allow you to control variables (which are useful to update standard widgets).

May I suggest that you ask for an enhancement if you need this feature? You can do so through support (preferably) or by sending feedback from the console.

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已回答 4 个月前

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