Direct Connect LAG across circuits from different providers


We have an existing 1G dedicated Direct Connect and thinking of using LAG to increase the available bandwidth by adding an additional 1Gig port. Do we have to use the same telco provider for link #2 or will LACP only work if the same provider supplies both circuits.

已提问 4 年前310 查看次数
1 回答

If you are purchasing Direct Connect ports from the same account, then we don't have any specific requirement to use the same service provider. Although, running LAGs across different providers which may have completely different characteristics (relevant if they purchase L2 services) and latency (think about an outage and one provider re-route its traffic via a different physical path) is a poor and risky practice. Also, generally multiple circuits joined using LAG work best when terminated on the same equipment.

As an alternative to upgrading to 10Gig port, you can consider using BGP with ECMP (Equal Cost Multipath) with AWS Transit Gateway to take advantage of both circuits from different providers.

已回答 4 年前
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