Problem(s) with Route 53


While setting up Route 53 for use with a new domain (which was registered through Route 53), I attempted to enable DNSSEC. I received the following response:

Error occurred Bad request. (HostedZonePartiallyDelegated 400: Due to DNS lookup failure, we cannot determine if hosted zone with ID '.....' has NS records partially connected with its parent zone. Please retry later.)

(I've removed the id)

I had not added any A records at that point, but SOA lookups were working as expected and were returning the NS records associated with the hosted zone.

After receiving the error, I went back and added a public A record to the domain. Now, SOA lookups and any lookups for the A record returns a SERVFAIL response. Further attempts to enable DNSSEC continue to fail with the same error.

This issue has persisted for over a day at this point. Any suggestions on how to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Edited to add: Doing "Test Record" from within Route 53 works as expected. Lookups from outside of the cloud environment are failing.

  • What is the DNS domain name? Would be easier for folks here to help you if they can look up the delegation etc.

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