Automation error for UpdateEKSManagedNodeGroup


Do i need to update something in the input parameters?

error message: 'An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: Launch template details can't be null for Custom ami type node group' Exception - Unable to update the node group errorCode: '', error message: 'An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: Launch template details can't be null for Custom ami type node group'.

已提问 1 年前319 查看次数
1 回答

You will need to include the LaunchTemplate specification with the necessary details (like the name or ID of the launch template and version) in your call to the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation.

aws eks update-nodegroup-version --cluster-name my_cluster --nodegroup-name my_nodegroup --launch-template id=lt-0abcd1234efgh5678,version=1

Note: replace my_cluster, my_nodegroup, lt-0abcd1234efgh5678, and 1 with your actual cluster name, nodegroup name, launch template ID, and launch template version.

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已回答 1 年前
  • I updated some more input parameters, but now getting this msg: Exception( Exception: Unable to update the node group errorCode: '', error message: 'An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: You are not authorized to describe the launch template version.' Exception - Unable to update the node group errorCode: '', error message: 'An error occurred (InvalidRequestException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: You are not authorized to describe the launch template version.'

    What permissions would i need?

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