RabbitMQ max-queues and max-length quotas



The default broker limitations mentions the max-queues and max-length as 10K and 12M for the m5.4xlarge cluster instance type. However, it does mention that these limits are based on the assumption that an average message size is 5KB. For my requirement, we need more queues and our average message size is not going to exceed 200 Bytes. Also the length of each queue will not exceed 100.

  1. Does this mean we can increase the max-queue number?

  2. Not sure if the below calculations are correct: Max-Length of queues = 12000000 Avg Message size = 5KB Total size = max-length * avg message size = 60GB. Does this mean that we have 60GB for messages in the m5.4xlarge cluster instance in total ?

已提问 2 年前303 查看次数
1 回答
  1. Yes you can increase the default limits, they are there as defaults but you can override them.
  2. That would be roughly right.
已回答 2 年前

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