is it possible change the scrape time when importing Cloudwatch metrics from Grafana?


EC2 (scraped every 5 minutes)

  • CPUUtilization (Maximum)

When importing EC2 metrics such as CPUUtilization from Grafana, the default scrape time seems to be set to 5 minutes, but I want to change this to 1 minute. Is there a way?

已提问 1 年前306 查看次数
1 回答

Go to edit dashboard and adjust the period. Be careful, scraping Cloudwach too hard will be expensive!

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已回答 1 年前

    Thanks for the answer. By the way, if you change the Period part to 60, I thought that Data Points would be created every 1 minute, but if you look at the image, it's still created every 5 minutes. Is there anything else I need to change? (In Period, both 60s and 60 gave the same result)

    -- the image could not be uploaded, so I uploaded it to imgur.

  • Have you turned on detailed monitoring for the EC2? The standard metric only gets reported every 5 minutes, so it does not matter if Grafana scraped every minute.

  • It has been resolved Thank you very much Have a nice day !!!

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