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Whenever a configuration change is made or a service software is updated, Amazon OpenSearch Service uses a blue/green deployment process. Blue/green typically refers to the practice of running two production environments, one live and one idle, and switching the two as you make software changes. In the case of OpenSearch Service, it refers to the practice of creating a new environment for domain updates and routing users to the new environment after those updates are complete. The practice minimizes downtime and maintains the original environment in the event that deployment to the new environment is unsuccessful.
A user has no control over when the switchover happens nor any opportunity to perform a test against the new environment.
We are thoroughly working with our team to get the documentation reviewed and updated. Thank you for bringing this into our notice.
Meanwhile, we request you to kindly follow the below documentation/article to understand how a blue/green deployment works for AWS OpenSearch domain.
- AWS 官方已更新 2 年前
- AWS 官方已更新 4 年前
- AWS 官方已更新 2 年前
- AWS 官方已更新 4 年前