AWS Networking Internals


I want to understand how AWS packet flow happens internally.

Based on my little networking and AWS understanding, I prepared the following diagram.

Enter image description here

I know the above diagram is not correct.

I prepared this to explain to you what I am expecting.

How Virtual Lan is configured for the EC2 instance to connect to Physical NIC?

How is the EC2 instance connected to Physical NIC, Physical Switch and Router?

How does the Virtual router talk to the Physical router?

How are SNAT, DNAT, and Port forwarding configured in the virtual router as well as physical routers if exist?

Can you please provide the resource where can I find this information?

已提问 1 年前826 查看次数
1 回答

My question to you would be: Why do you want to know? I get (being a networking person) that these things are very interesting. And in a lot of cases, really cool. But in order to use the services to you need to know how they work?

In general, we (AWS) don't talk about how we build services - because that allows us to innovate and change the "how" to deliver a faster, less expensive and overall better service to you. So how we do it today might not be how we do it tomorrow.

I would definitely watch Another Day, Another Billion Flows as it talks to a lot of the networking technology that you're asking about. Then watch this other video which is from re:Invent 2022. If those don't answer all of your questions, reach out to your local AWS Solutions Architect and have a chat.

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已回答 1 年前
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已审核 1 年前

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