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Hi rePost-User-5598008, could you update your post with more network information?
From the first couple lines we can see your server received a time out in port 443.
Is your instance connected to the internet? If not, do you mind trying AWS Knowledge Center - EC2 Update YUM without internet ?
Have you checked the Security Groups rules for this specific instance?
Can you reach any other endpoint?
- telnet amazonlinux-2-repos-ap-south-1.s3.dualstack.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com 443 (should show Connected)
- telnet amazon.com 443( should show Connected)
Hello @prabal_surya
We answered your question in the latest episode of AWS Supports You. Please take a look at the YouTube video here, and we hope it helps answer your question! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzadlmq4LcM
Please don't hesitate to comment here if you have any follow up questions. If this helped to answer your question, please make sure to mark this question as answered.
Have a great day!
- AWS 官方已更新 9 个月前