Cannot verify KMS signed message


So I'm using KMS to sign JWT token. However I have been unable to verify the signature using the SDK. The snippet (in node) is as follows.

let token_components = {
    header: base64url(JSON.stringify(headers)),
    payload: base64url(JSON.stringify(payload)),
let message = Buffer.from(token_components.header + "." + token_components.payload)

let res1 = await kms.sign({
     KeyId: 'arn:xxx',
    Message: message,
    SigningAlgorithm: 'RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_256',
    MessageType: 'RAW'

token_components.signature = res1.Signature.toString("base64")
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=/g, '')
let res2 = await kms.verify({
   KeyId: 'arn:xxx',
   Message: message,
   Signature: token_components.signature,
   SigningAlgorithm: 'RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_256',
   MessageType: 'RAW'

With third party library the signature produced from sign can be verified using public key. But using KMS SDK the kms.verify method always fails with invalid signature exception. Referring from the documentation I think it should work as message and signature need to be either in Buffer (node's byte array) or String encoded in Base64. I'm not sure what went wrong and any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by: inmyth on Mar 5, 2021 7:27 AM

Edited by: inmyth on Mar 5, 2021 7:28 AM

已提问 3 年前600 查看次数
1 回答

Figured it out. Basically the signature must not be url encoded (backslashes, dashes, equals have to be preserved). The input argument for verify should be its decoded base64 in byte array.

已回答 3 年前
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已审核 6 个月前
  • This comment helped a lot. In NodeJs you would need to get the signature first as byte array: const signatureArray = Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(token_components.signature, 'base64'))

    and then pass it to verify method as Signature: Buffer.from(signatureArray ),

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